How Do I Choose the Right Blinds?

How Do I Choose the Right Blinds?

Choosing the right kind of blinds for your home can often appear daunting, since there’s so much to consider here. Whether it’s the criteria of look, colour, functionality, style, sustainability, and cost, or more modern concerns from energy saving properties to block...
Help Us to Help Them: Giving to Charity

Help Us to Help Them: Giving to Charity

2020 certainly took an unexpected turn and I’m sure none of us were prepared for how our lives would change. It has meant changes to how and where we work, who we can see and socialise with and has even changed how we can do our shopping. Most likely forgotten about...
Making our services more accessible for you

Making our services more accessible for you

If the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it is the importance of having a visible online business, a lesson many of us have learnt throughout the last few months. With the world becoming more digital we have taken some steps to suit the needs of our...