How to choose your bathroom flooring

How to choose your bathroom flooring

How to choose your bathroom flooring?  With so many options to choose from, where do you start to consider what bathroom flooring is right for you?  Here’s a quick guide to help you in your deliberations when choosing your bathroom flooring. Things to...
Our Guide to Pet Friendly Flooring

Our Guide to Pet Friendly Flooring

Pets are a big part of a lot of families, therefore, when getting new flooring you may have to consider your pets.  Is the flooring scratch resistant? Is your pet house trained? What’s the best option for your pet?  Making sure your floor is stylish but still...
Choosing the Right Flooring for Your Home

Choosing the Right Flooring for Your Home

With a range of flooring options available it can be difficult to know which one you should choose. To help with your decision making, we have put together some tips for each room to help you make the right decision. Hallways Often overlooked, hallways tend to end up...
The Benefits of Carpets!

The Benefits of Carpets!

For many people, the choice between carpet and wood or vinyl flooring is easily decided – it is a matter of personal taste. I would suggest, however, that there are certain instances when good quality carpet is really the only choice. Here are just a few reminders of...